Monday, 18 May 2009

Disappearing snow

The snow on the Lefka Ori has almost but disappeared.

disappearing snow

This shows how hot it has been all of a sudden for the past two weeks. Even though the snow fell very late this season, and there was a lot of rainfall, other years have seen snow stay on the mountains until mid-June, which is still a month away.


  1. Goodbye beautiful cold snow.

    Israel is having a sharav today, 35 degrees and 15% humidity. Even at night is was 25 degrees which is rare.
    Good luck with your summer.

  2. Good question about birds feeling the heat. Dunno.
    Today is a heat wave. Usually not this hot and not quite this dry. Tomorrow it will be back in the normal high 20s.

  3. Summer must be round the corner :-)

  4. Rain. Wind. Cold. Weather Warnings throughout the weekend. Maintaining good spirit. Send supplies.
    :-D :-D :-D

    Very good picture, i like that piece of wheat in the foreground

  5. Το καλοκαίρι είναι εκεί και μας περιμένει όχι για πολύ...

  6. Just keep that heat going for a while yet...

  7. What a nice view...Guess you'll be heading into winter soon?

  8. I forgot, you live in should be heading into summer soon...where's my head today.
    Nice view.

  9. The grasses in the foreground make this photo sublime!
    Aloha fellow islander ;-)

  10. Seeing this view gives me a different perspective about the island. How do you feel about the ealy snow melt?
