Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Spring is here

spring is here

Our apricot tree has just bloomed.


  1. If spring is in town, you're feeling better also? :)

  2. That's exciting. A sure sign of spring!

  3. You make me envious - I'll have to drown my sorrow in the bottle of olive oil from Crete I bought today ;-)

    PS Thank you for the pleasant comment - things are going well

  4. The trees blooming is a great sign that spring is here. The plum and pear trees are in bloom here.

    An Arkies Musings

  5. Hi there Kiwi! I have just caught up on your blog. I'm so sorry to hear you are not well. I always get that stupid bronchopneumonia! We do have so many things in common, but I'm sorry to hear we share this unpleasant condition! Take it easy and don't expect too much of yourself. It takes quite a while to get your strength back... At least you are blogging again...;-)

  6. I'm very sorry for the loss of your neighbour! I know that your heart and sole is sick with his tragic end but what about your body? Are you feeling better? The weather is still cold although the trees have their first blossoms.

  7. Oh how precious and lovely!!!

  8. The Spring is here. I hope you feel better and have Spring in heart and body.

  9. Those first blooms never fail to put me in a good mood. So long, winter! Hello spring!

  10. Yes at last... I was a bit tired of cold days.

  11. I have been neglecting you. And here you are beset by trouble... I do hope the blossom presages better health and something positive that might offset the horror of your neighbour's death. Such wanton stupidity and waste.

  12. Wow, I'm jealous. Not a single bloom yet in Liege...

  13. Enjoy Spring. Glad you are feeling better. - Dave
