Wednesday 19 November 2008

Car crash

Shit happens.

Car accident down the road from St Luke's cemetery (no fatalities).


  1. Oi veh. I'm relieved to read that you were not involved.
    Reminds me of a sign in America that a cemetery posted on their wall: "Drive carefully. We can wait."

  2. !!! I hope the car is taken there because there is a repair workshop nearby and that the crash did not actually took place there...It looks pretty nasty and it would be outrageous if a crash of such force occurred in an urban environment.........If it did occur there, kids should start walking around in full armor! :-D

  3. I'm "glad" to see that such things happen other places too...

  4. Greeks are bad drivers so they have many car accidents! The nasty roads "help" them too!

  5. oopss...some one had a lot of shit happen here!
