Wednesday 26 November 2008

Warm weather

warm night end of novemebr hania chania

While Europe is lashed by floods, storms and snowfall, as my friend RuneE attests, Hania is basking in warm weather, rather barmy for the season, but nevertheless, enjoyed by many of the locals. We are having perfect weather for enjoying a drink outdoors in the evening. This photo was taken on Monday in the middle of town outside a bakery.

RuneE can't read Greek inscriptions; it's all Greek to him. I know that this photo isn't very clear, but can you help him decipher the letters at the top of the photo (click to enlarge) to guess where we are? Answer tomorrow.


  1. Fourno? Is it THAT hot in Hania, like an oven? hehe
    In Jerusalem we have 23 degrees this week.

  2. Thanks! I wish I could return with a negative number, but we are now up to all of 7 degrees! We left your "neighbours" on Rodos in October with 27 degrees.

  3. I'm sorry i can't see the letters.

  4. I hope this was not like 05:00 in the morning..."Pray to God, the bakery is open, i can barely keep my eyes open" for coffee :-D :-D :-D

    (Φούρνος --which after a loose translation becomes--> Bakery)

  5. RE your comment: Thank you, but 7 plus around here iat this time of the year usually means rain. 7 minus may spell dry weather and marvellous opportunities for photography.

    Many years ago I lived further north where 30 - 40 minus are common. I have blogged about it here.

    Where is cold? Definately not in Greece!!!

  7. From one warm spot to another: "Aloha!"

  8. indeed, bakery :)

  9. Lucky you have such a warm weather there...
