Remember the days of the old school yard? My children certainly will. Their kindergarten is housed in an airy building which feels more like a cosy house, with up to 20 students in a class group. The playground area is large, and the teachers are very caring. The location of the school is in a quiet village district, about 8 kilometres away form the main town, and is surrounded by olive groves and orange fields. Some of the lessons in this kindergarten take place outdoors; the school yard is surrounded by eucalyptus and olive trees. The children learn about nature through the five senses: seeing, hearing, smelling and touching it. If the teachers feel like it, the y sometimes stage cooking lessons for them using local produce.
The original building with the tiled roof was once the local primary (elementary) school. Changes in the education system and a reduction in the rural population forced the primary school to re-locate, while the building became a kindergarten. The room on the right, the kitchen and dining area, was added once the school became an all-day kindergarten, catering for the needs of working parents.
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