Thursday 16 October 2008

Chopping down trees

This may look like a cruel act, but in fact, these trees grow back very quickly. Chopping them down to their base is often done by the council workers so that they do not create a problem for the overhead electricity wires or the upper levels of the buildings. They are also allowed to remain until the end of the summer period so that the shop owners can enjoy some shade. In any case, they are not well tended when they have grown, judging from the shape of the trees across the road. And if you're still wondering what those Christmas lights are doing, they're always up there; it's much easier than taking them down and putting them back up again.


  1. Wo, that is some radical cutting.

  2. It's important, when they cut a tree, to replace it with something green and not with concrete. We really need more green to our environment.

  3. ότι ανανεώνεται είναι καλό. ότι μένει στα χαρτιά είναι δολοφονία.

  4. when it needs to be done it needs to be done i suppose

  5. I have some questions, but anyway... let it be!

  6. If those trees had legs you can bet they would run away and who could blame them.

  7. It's awful... lots of the trees that are planted on citys side walks are just not adapted to it... the size problem the most commune...

  8. interesting. it's good that they grow back quickly. wonder if they can be farmed for their wood...

  9. Wow! Hard to imagine them growing that much each season!
